Global ELT Ebook membership

Welcome to Global ELT ebook membership website,, where you can access the ebook version of the printed books. You can also access extra resources for the books that you have already bought.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find which titles are available in ebook format?
The ebooks can be found on the ebook membership website: 

As soon as the payment is made and the order is completed you can then login to your account using your username and password and access the ebooks.  You will then see that the ebooks have already been added to your account for future use.

The ebooks can be read off of anything that has a screen, Windows or Mac devices, tablets or smart phones.

Internet connection
You cannot download the ebooks. You can only access them online so you need an internet connection (performs best over a broadband internet connection).

How to activate your coupon code if you have one?
Your coupon code will be in your printed book or it will be provided to you by email. Go to the LINK TO BUY that you will  be provided along with your coupon code.

You will be asked to register and complete your membership, create an account and choose a username and password. Then you will have to complete your purchase and apply the Coupon Code at the Checkout. You will then receive a confirmation email and you will be able to access the ebooks using your username and password

Audio should play within most browsers and operating systems.  Please make sure that your computer is not set to mute and that if you have external speakers they are plugged in and switched on.

Web browser issues
Make sure you have installed the latest version of your web browser. 

All products on are copyright © Global ELT LTD, unless stated otherwise. 

Any updates to the ebooks on, will be added to the site as soon as possible and your ebooks will be updated automatically.

You can pay by PayPal (you need to have a PayPal account) or Stripe.

Membership duration
Your subscription is valid for 6 months from the date you activated your coupon code or bought access to your ebook.

If you’re having trouble finding or activating your product coupon code or accessing the ebooks you’ve purchased, you can email us at the email address below: